Saturday, January 18, 2014

Death of an iconic African journalist: Komla Dumor, 3 October 1972 - 18 January 2014

Komla Dumor: One of Ghana's brightest stars
I moved to Ghana for a year in 2002. That year was one of the best of my life as I discovered things about the country that I was from but knew very little about. One of my favorite sources for Ghanaian current affairs ranging from politics to social issues was JoyFM's Super morning show. At the helm of the show was the indomitable and formidable Komla Dumor. He stood out for his intelligence, professionalism, knowing how to ask the right questions and of course his eloquence. It was apparent to all at the time that Komla Dumor was a rising star who was going places. He did indeed go places. In 2006 he joined the BBC's Network Africa show and even I was astonished to find him that he made a very rapid transition to the BBC World Service breakfast show The World Today. In 2011, my brother sent me an email or text with a picture of Komla Dumor saying something like "Guess who is presenting world news on TV??!." From there he went on to host the television version of BBC's Focus on Africa. I was therefore overcome with overwhelming sadness when I heard the news that he had passed away from cardiac arrest at his home in London. A light had gone out for the whole of Africa.

Komla Dumor trends on Twitter
Komla Dumor was one of Ghana's brightest stars. Whenever you heard him on the BBC, you were proud to be Ghanaian. Proud to be African. He was a rising star who was still accelerating to even greater heights. Komla was a great representative of what it means to be Ghanaian. He was indeed a contemporary African icon and cherished role-model. My heart goes out to his entire family. May Komla Dumor Rest in Peace. Komla, we will miss your smile, your calming voice, your charm and your intellect. You may be gone but will never be forgotten.  
The most read story on BBC News website at the moment


  1. So nicely written, Abena! And your words are so true, just looking at the outpour of grief from Ghanaians and Africans all over the world shows that it will be a long, long time before we forget this shining bright star.

  2. Komla will surely rest in peace after reading this brilliant tribute. :).

  3. @Maya Mame Thanks! Indeed...He is irreplaceable..

  4. @Gamelmag...Thanks for your kind words!..I still can't believe he is gone :(

  5. A fitting tribute, Abena. Komla's death is a very big loss for Ghana and Africa. Komla was an example of what a Ghanaian could achieve; a reminder of the quality we could produce. He will be sorely missed.

  6. Thanks for the beautiful tribute. May his life inspire us to aspire for even greater heights...

  7. pretty nice blog, following :)
