Friday, January 03, 2014


Who would thought the hardest blog post would be one observing the start of a brand new year. To me blogging has always come naturally. That is why I under perform when asked to blog on a particular topic. For me blogging has always been an important outlet for self-expression. Well, since 2005 and actively since 2008. Although in recent times the stream of consciousness that has characterized my blogging has been ebbed. However, I digress. It is a new year and as I enjoy some Aloe Blacc and Rudimental in a somewhat sorry attempt to keep up with what is hip and happening, I am reflecting on the fact that 2014 means a new year, new hope, new possibilities and of course getting older! 


"When you look back on your life, you'll regret the things you didn't do more than the ones you did." -H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

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