Saturday, July 21, 2012

BBC's Sherlock: A Stroke of Genius

Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson outside 221B Bakers Street

I must admit that I completely ignored the buzz and hype around the BBC TV series Sherlock when it first debuted in 2010. Although I'm a great fan of most interpretations of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's character Sherlock Holmes, a rendition set in modern London just did not seem appealing. Well, that was before I watched the first few minutes of the first episode of the first series and was instantly sucked in. I am not sure if it was the riveting plot, offbeat humour or the slightly gloomy modern London setting. More  likely it was brilliant acting from all the cast and the perfect onscreen chemistry between the two main actors. Although I had seen Martin Freeman years ago in the original 'The Office' series, I had sadly never heard of Benedict Cumberbatch whose turn as Sherlock Holmes is unforgettable. Rather than the modern interpretation taking away from the Sherlock Holmes story, it just made it even better. This is Sherlock Holmes digitalized, social media-ed, interneted and smart-phoned.  The worst part is having to wait until 2013 for the next installment of Sherlock.


  1. I adore this adaptation! LIke you, I was skeptical at first because of the hype but I"m glad I gave it a chance. It's incredibly well-written and the acting is superb. Hurry up season 3!

  2. @Sankofa Glad I gave it a chance too! Can't season 3 come sooner? 2013 is too far away!
