Sunday, June 24, 2012

Dust Magazine: The Aspiring Politician's Complete Guide to the Ghanaian Campaign Trail

It has been quite a busy and exciting month for me. There was a short but sweet sibling reunion in London, a conference in Geneva that turned out to be awesome professionally and of course getting an article I wrote in print. Indeed, my piece entitled "The Aspiring Politician's Complete Guide to the Ghanaian Campaign Trail" is featured in the June issue of the creative master-piece that is Dust magazine. This is a particular honour for me since I've long admired the ingenuity and creativity of Dust. Edited by the veritable Renaissance man Kobina Graham, it really is one of those publications that gives you hope in Ghana's future by reminding you that there are indeed great minds at work in our country. Not only do Dust articles capture the spirit of contemporary Ghana but they always have pieces immortalizing our glorious and often forgotten past. Then there is the colourful creativity underlying their work.When I submitted the article in its final form, it was a black and white dud. This was then transformed into something readable by the Dust magazine team that includes the super-talented Ghanyobi.
June edition of Dust magazine

Please do check out Dust magazine. It can be downloaded here and is also available for free in Accra. In addition, they also have a cool website here.


  1. Hahahaha! That was hilarious. Where do I pick up my forms to become an aspiring politician?

  2. @Raine lol..Thanks....No forms needed just several polythene bags of ca$h....New Ghana cedis mind you!
