Monday, January 19, 2009

Farewell to the man who brought us the 'War on Terror' while defying (defiling?) the English language

After 8 years at the helm of America and the 'free-world', George W. Bush is finally bowing out tomorrow. The world has changed alot over the 8 years "Dubya" has been in charge and he will forever be remembered for:
  • The War on Terror
  • Coining the expression "Axis of Evil"
  • The elusive "Weapons of mass destruction"
  • The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
From an African perspective, apparently we are grateful to Mr. Bush for:
  • More funding to Africa than ever before
  • The scaling up of funding for anti-retrovials to HIV/AIDS patients on the continent
  • Funding for anti-malarial initiatives such as insecticide-treated nets (ITNs)
One reason I am personally grateful to Mr. Bush is for providing us with befuddling expressions that at times defied logic. Ah yes, the now infamous "Bushisms" that were sure to put a smile on your face as you struggled to decipher what he was trying to say. With the help of, I present to you, my Top 5 favorite Bushisms.

Mr. George W. Bush said:

  • "We spent a lot of time talking about Africa, as we should. Africa is a nation that suffers from incredible disease." —Gothenburg, Sweden, June 14, 2001
  • "Too many good docs are getting out of the business. Too many OB-GYNs aren't able to practice their love with women all across this country." —Poplar Bluff, Mo., Sept. 6, 2004
  • "I know how hard it is for you to put food on your family" N.H. Chamber of Commerce. January 27, 2000
  • "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." —Washington, D.C., Aug. 5, 2004
  • "They misunderestimated me." Nov. 6 2000
Alas, just a few in a vast collection of expressions by Mr. Bush. Mmmm, I wonder.....maybe Mr. Bush agreed to increase funding to "Africa" because he thought he was funding just one nation and not a whole continent!

For the good and for the bad, we will always remember Mr. George W. Bush!!!


  1. Good riddance if you ask me lol, but I will miss his 'one of a kind phrases' lol...roll on Obama

  2. It's difficult for me to say I'll miss anything about Mr. Bush except his 'contrite dog' look in his last couple of weeks. Great good-bye post.

  3. You are right Catomatay,the world can only be a better place without Dubya at the helm! I will also miss the way some of his own phrases rendered him confused!

  4. Nana Yaw, I have also noticed that contrite look! I think poor George Bush realises that he is most probably the worst president in American history. That actually makes me feel sorry for him....a little...just a little!

  5. history teaches us that it was under democracy that Hitler was birthed in Germany only to become a dictator with a good taste for human blood...

    and so with a humble heart i just wish to see the world wake up bold to tell it to the face of the likes of Bush that one cannot hide behind any smokescreen pretending to be democratic only to end up killing innocent people in Iraq and destroying years of acquired knowledge and the fibre of a peoples culture...

    and telling us while at it that one could only be with him or against him (and how such a myopic view of life??? and did he ever hear of the non-aligned movement for example???)

    Guantanamo Bay is a blot on our psyche as human beings!


    and just as i'm glad that finally he is out of office... i'm also just as equally humbled that Kufuor of Ghana is also out of office... the world must see such pretenders for what they are???

    cheers to all men and women!!!

  6. Thanks Novisi for sharing your opinion. I would hardly equate K4's legacy to that of Dubya's though...

  7. oh Abena, that one? it would be unfair to equate at all... it's just that i believe they both did not serve us well in their unique ways!!!

  8. Oh dear! Can't think of much else to say but, oh dear!

    Do the Republicans have a special school on Africa of which both Bush and Palin are graduates?

  9. LOL* Nice one Maya! I think you may be on to something here. Both Bush, Palin and Dan Quayle from years ago seem to have a natural knack for these things!

  10. HAHAHAHA! It's amazing what can happen in America. A dunce as president.

    So glad to have been in the 'nation of Africa' and far away from his foolishness!

    Thanks for the extra funding Mr Bush!

  11. Amen to that Toks! Thanks for the extra funding Mr. Bush. I wonder if he will be making return visits to our fair nation Africa!

  12. ohhhhh i should have followed your blog and read this earlier...can't stop laughing.Kudos
