Tuesday, January 20, 2009

1200 EST (1700 GMT) on January 20th 2009


  1. Always knew you'd be one of the first to put this pic up!

  2. Michelle Obama is SO HOT! Though at one point, she looked tired...still...HOT!!:-))

  3. *LOL* Nana Yaw, I bet you can read my mind! I had also wanted to put up some pictures of Martin Luther King's tomb and the 16th street Baptist Church in Birmingham Alabama that was bombed in 1963 by the Ku Klux Klan. Unfortunately, my scanner is acting some-way! Somehow these pictures just seemed appropriate...

  4. Yes Novisi, The moment frozen in history...unfortunately, reality now sets in from today onwards...

  5. Yes Emmanuel...she is quite the looker! Looks mysteriously like Condoleeza Rice though :)

  6. yes Abena,
    but i love more the fact that reality sets in...

    some say it's time to translate the peotry of campaign into a prose of leadership... (i think i love the sound of that...whuuuuu!!)

    so i think, in accepting the weight of challenges gladly instead of grudgingly like Obama himself puts it... one must rather find it fortunate... so my word is fortunate...(but don't mind me... i havn't woken from the chilling 'moment' yet)...

    i only woke up this dawn to hear that quickly Obama has ordered that trials in Gitmo be halted... and i breathed...

    i'm watching still... i just hope he pulls the guts to tell it to Israel too to stop their murder of innocent pple!!!

    i just have reason to be hopeful ... it's what i got...

  7. Novisi, there is always "Hope"!!The Gitmo closures sound promising. I heard he phonecalled both Palestinians and Israelis...Alas, the Palestinian phone-calls are all mysteriously routed to President Abbas in the West Bank and not to Hamas in Gaza (or where-ever they are based)..There is no way Obama can or would want to stand up to Israel.

  8. Michelle's not the only one that's (see EKB II above) "SO HOT"..!!!
    Great post on a great blog..:)
