Wednesday, September 14, 2016

The Best of the B.A.D. 2016

A slightly odd but eye-catching
Game of Throne-y looking Ohemaa Mercy
billboard seen on the Spintex Road in Accra
In August, I was back in the B.A.D - The Beacon of African Democracy. This trip to Ghana was probably the longest visit home I have had since 2010 and it gave me the chance to really appreciate the dramatic transformations that have take place over the past 6 years. In other words, I got to see the Good, the Bad and the Ugly of the B.A.D. 

My initial blog-post about the visit was a long collection of ramblings that was likely to induce sleep in even the most avid reader. So I've decided to break it up into shorter posts in a new series I am calling The Best of the B.A.D 2016. This post is but a mere teaser. Unlike the launch of political party manifestos in Ghana or the Wikileaks Clinton files, I promise not to delay releases with pre-teasers, teasers, highlights, spoiler-alerts and trailers. To be honest, I am not sure anyone is reading this but if you are, please do stay tuned. 

Picture taken just outside my neighbourhood in Accra.
Some things never change:
 Ghanaian humour in the face of adversity

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