Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Farewell to The Iron Lady: Margaret Thatcher, 1925 – 2013

"Barack Obama, interestingly, said in his statement that [Margaret Thatcher] had "broken the glass ceiling for other women". Only in the sense that all the women beneath her were blinded by falling shards. She is an icon of individualism, not of feminism"
- British comedian Russell Brand writing in The Guardian newspaper

Baroness Margaret Thatcher as I remember her 

For children of the '80s and early '90s, there was nothing strange or pioneering about Margaret Thatcher being a prime minister. After all, this was the world we were born into. In fact, in the dying years of the Cold War, we all remember her as the unrelenting and powerful Iron Lady on the stage of world politics.

The Margaret Thatcher I also recall from the brilliant political satire show Spitting Image.
Shown here with 'Ronald Reagan'
Interestingly, as tributes for Baroness Thatcher pour in, contrasting images are emerging of celebrations on her passing: 

An anti-Thatcher celebration in Brixton, London following
her passing. This was captured by the Dutch daily de Volksrant
Baroness Thatcher was indeed a controversial and divisive figure. Particularly memorable for me were her stances on apartheid South African and Mr. Nelson Mandela. Whether you loved her or hated her, one thing is for certain; she was indeed an unforgettable politician who helped shape the direction of world politics at the end of the Cold War.... for better or for worse.

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