Sunday, July 22, 2012

Ghanapolitics 101: Of fights over slogans and the ongoing comedy of errors

Anyone following Ghana politics must have realized that there is something theatrical and dramatic about happenings in the Beacon of African Democracy (BAD). On the current stage there is a play going on with so many genres and dramatic devices that it is hard to follow.
1. Drama: Promises of dramatic revelations from the Ministry of Information which is now spending good time and energy to serialize judgement debts revelations. The purpose is to 
This exercise has been accused of being a cherry-picking exercise.
1. Farce: 
2. Comedy of Errors: 

4. Tragedy: The fact that the electorate has very few choices in election 2012.

descended into the realm of absurdity a long time ago. On one side it we have the government spending good time and tax payers money to serialize judgement debts to prove that the opposition is equally complicit. Such enthusiasm and energy could be better directed to coming up with creative ways to stop the continued free-fall of the cedi or to deal with this nagging problem of employment for the legions of tertiary graduates. The main opposition is equally taking delight in pointing out the governments faults without accepting complicity in the ongoing judgement debt debacle. So it was actually no surprise to me that apparently the two main parties emerged with the same slogan for election 2012. The slogan "People matter, you matter". Apparently a fierce verbal battle has now emerged with both sides claiming to have originated the slogan and accusing the other side of plagiarism. We will just ignore the irony of the slogan message since ALL political parties in Ghana rarely demonstrate that The People actually matter. Although one may be inclined to believe that there was plagiarlism, I firmly believe this was not the case. Both parties have proven that the differences between them are less distinct than before and it is no wonder that they may have independently arrived a the same point.

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