Sunday, February 12, 2012

Death of an Iconic Diva

Source: Wikipedia
I literally just woke up to the sad news of Whitney Houston's passing with a text from my brother. For kids of the 80s and 90s, she was the R&B Diva we all looked up to. We are the generation that got excited about everything Whitney Houston including her (now odd seeming) pairing with Kevin Costner in the film 'The Bodyguard'. It is very hard to pinpoint one's favorite Whitney Houston song because there are so many gems. She had the amazing voice, the glamour and on the surface, the idyllic life. 

Strangely enough, back in 1994 on a trip to Southern Africa, she came to my secondary school in Swaziland accompanied by Bobby Brown and one of Nelson Mandela's daughters. It was supposed to be a tour but ended up being only a few minutes leaving many of us disappointed and standing in the rain. However, we still have a memory from that day captured on film of our headmaster shielding the entourage from the rain with an umbrella while the rest of us stood around the school car-park transfixed. That picture is in a fading album at home in my wardrobe as I type.

I am sure the media will have a field day chronicling the rise, fall and eventual rise of Whitney Houston. There will be a multitude of  experts attempting to pinpoint when things started to unravel. Like millions, however, I will not want to remember the Tragic Whitney Houston but rather the Triumphant Whitney Houston that lives on eternally in her music. May she rest in peace.  

My Love is Your Love - Whitney Houston

"If tomorrow is Judgement Day (sing mommy)
And I'm standin' on the front line
And the Lord ask me what I did with my life
I will say I spent it with you..."


  1. It's like you're in my head, Abena! Why? This is what my facebook status has read all day:

    "Trying to remember my favourite Whitney song, but there's far too many!
    RIP Whitney."

    Couldn't help but laugh at the Kevin Costner remark, odd pairing indeed! Funnily enough, I too woke to the news of her death by a text from my brother, awful way to start the day!

    I'm trying to remember her by her earlier songs, "I look to you", just shows too evidently the damage she caused herself.

  2. Her last album was too painful for me to listen to. It was everything that Whitney wasn't. I'm ignoring what she became and concentrating on who she was, before life made away with her.

    I agree, let the media dissect her downfall but let her fans remember the true spirit of Whitney. She who was "Every Woman"and "Believed in Miracles" and "you and me".

  3. @Maya Mame, That is soooo weird!!! Especially since I had that exact conversation with my blog as you posted about the other day with yours.
    Indeed, I am also trying to remember old Whitney through her older music...its hard. I'm also trying to ignore all media buzz all around.

  4. A great loss to the music industry. RIP Whitney Houston.

  5. Yes, the media will have a field day. It's alarming too, when we think about the fact that these divas and stars get more publicity after their death. Am guessing it's human nature.

  6. @professional web design : Indeed, a great loss!

  7. @Edward: Indeed you are very right. It seems to be our nature as humans to vilify people when they are alive and when they die, celebrate them!!! So true.
