Saturday, September 17, 2011

"Education is for the masses, not just for ruling classes"

On BBC news last night, I watched a report about students at the University of Edinburgh occupying a building on the university campus to protest an announced hike in fees for the "Rest of UK" students attending the university. This hike would make the University of Edinburgh the most expensive university in the United Kingdom. This afternoon it was such a delight that our tour of Edinburgh unintentionally included the very occupied building I saw on the news last night. It was like walking onto the set of a film. Speaking of which, another news item was on how Halle Berry is in Glasgow making a film set in San Francisco! Apparently  the falling pound is making Scotland an attractive destination for film crews.   Alas, I digress. I was talking about student protests. Interestingly, students at the University of Ghana have also recently been protesting against fee hikes.  Also, back in my undergraduate days in the US a long time ago, students at my college  occupied a building during a harrowing protest over fees. It does seem like as time changes, somethings never change....all around the world.
 Occupied building at the University of Edinburgh. Prominently displayed in the windows are signs that say "Education is for the masses, not just for the ruling classes".

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