Sunday, March 06, 2011

The Blinged-up MP with Swagger

No, this is NOT the MP!
This is the undisputed King of Bling the (Veteran Rapper) Slick Rick 
Lets face it; news from Africa these days is particularly bleak. There's Gaddafi to the North engaged in a tragic battle against his people, there's Gbagbo and Ouattara to the West still wrestling over control of Cote D'Ivoire and there's the never-ending battle in the East for the control of the Horn of Africa. In the face of all this mayhem, there was one news item this past week that managed to make me laugh out loud. It was the curious case of the 35 year old Kenyan law-maker Hon. Gidion Mbuvi who was thrown out of the august Kenyan House of Parliament for wearing diamond ear studs and shades. Hon. Mbuvi not only sees himself as the representative of the youth who voted for him but feels that this representation should be manifested in his personal style. Apparently the hummer-driving Mr. Mbuvi is known for his flamboyance and love of all things bling. 

Ice in his ears and wrapped in Ray Bans, Hon. Mbuvi steps out
Although not quite a spring chicken at 35, Mr. Mbuvi appears to  recognize where power lies. In Sub-saharan Africa, the vast majority of individuals in any population are likely to be that elusive group called "The youth". Therefore, the youth, even though they do not realise it themselves, represent a very important and powerful constituency. The youth could in fact make or break elections. Sadly for Mr. Mbuvi though, most of these societies hold age, respectability and wisdom in very high esteem. Although it was a powerful gesture on his part, I cannot help but also wonder:

  • Wouldn't it be more powerful if Mr. Mbuvi represented the youth by championing legislation that would make a positive impact on their lives such as job creation?
  • How on earth can youth be expected to be taken seriously when their youthful ambassador in parliament is too busy trying to be a baller, keeping it real and strutting with the bling, ice and chrome?
Nonetheless, Hon Mbuvi's stance was a welcome relief from the numbing effects of over-exposure to conflict in the news. Plus the man proved that He got swagger!

P.S. Happy Birthday Ghana; 54 years of Freedom and Justice with some bumps on the way. The best part is that we have made it thus far and we are still going strong.

P.P.S: My 200th post and I did not even notice!


  1. I laughed when I heard it. And you have raised some important questions. Is this the best way to represent the youth? Should solidarity with the youth rests in the dressing?

  2. @Nana FA: The more I see the MP all blinged up, the more I want to laugh! Are youth so superficial that all they care about is being ostentatious? Hilarious...

  3. I'm guessing he didn't expect his personal life could become a distraction.

    Congrats on #200!

  4. Thanks it seems our Kenyan Member of Parliament didn't get the memo that once you become an MP, you have to abandon your personal persona for a public one. Comes with the territory!
