Saturday, January 15, 2011

Toilet Talk Continues: "No Sanitation facilities in 91% of homes, Accra Metropolitan Assembly reveals" - Daily Graphic

Daily Graphic: 15 January 2011
Whether we like it or not, toilets do appear to be on the lips of many in the fair metropolis of Accra lately. Following my brief foray into the murky world of water closets, pan latrines and night-soil collectors, the 15 January 2011 issue of the Daily Graphic newspaper has an interesting article on its front page. According to the article, the Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA) has revealed that 91% of homes are without any sanitation facilities. The article states:
  • 114,521 residences are without any place of convenience
  • 9,149 have water closets
  • 1,842 have Kumasi Ventilated Improved Pits (KVIP)
  • 315 are using  outlawed pan latrines
  • 79  are using pit latrines

These figures are extremely alarming and I am still unsure exactly how the Public Health Unit of the Assembly arrived at the numbers. Regardless, they do indicate that the proper disposal of human waste is a serious problem for the burgeoning metropolis of Accra. Time for some serious toilet talk.


  1. I like that number. 91% is high enough & validates the need to re-zone the entire city. Re-design the city and compensate those whose properties need to be torn down.
    But where will the money come from? I hope Mr Mayor continues to fight hard to get all the support he needs to make Accra better.

  2. @GHOS I still find 91% hard to believe and would be really interested to know how they arrived at this figure.
    I do agree with you that a figure like 91% is really a call to action. Re-designing the city may be an impossible undertaking.How about starting the capital all over again in Kintampo (Centre of Ghana) or near Tamale? But as you point out, where would the money come from.
    Indeed I hope the mayor of Accra continues to fight hard..

  3. No wonder Accra is such an angry place. Her people must be constipated.

  4. @Nana Yaw *lol* Constipation induced anger...that would explain alot! If I had the opportunity to be mayor, I would make toilets free..that way their control would not be such a sought-after commodity and hopefully anger levels would be reduced :)
