Monday, December 06, 2010

Saluting Ghanaian Farmers: Happy *Belated* Farmer's Day!

Up close and personal with beautiful cocoa pods
December 3rd marked the annual Farmer's Day Holiday in Ghana. It is supposed to be the day that Ghanaians congratulate farmers and fishermen for the hard-work they are doing in feeding us and basically keep our economy afloat. Did you know that agriculture accounts for 37.3% of Ghana's GDP? Anyway, back to Farmer's day. While I'm sure many of my urban contemporaries:

  • Partied on the beach
  • Partied at home
  • Partied at the mall
  • Caught up on sleep or episodes of Grey's Anatomy

I actually went farming! It's a long story but this past weekend, I was in the rural hinterlands of the Central and Western Regions of Ghana and so decided to take the opportunity to try my hand at farming. I should state that the 1.5 hour trek to the farm (on the top of a hill) was the hardest part and near killed me! Despite being of farming stock, I was an abysmal disaster but I certainly learnt a thing or two. I have always had a profound respect for farmers but now I have deep admiration  for not only their stamina but also their knowledge.

The long trail to the farm

I'm beginning to think it would be good to integrate a compulsory fishing/farming component into the national service training for all young people in Ghana. It would not only build character but foster an appreciation for agriculture. 
Skills up a pawpaw tree

Can you name this plant?!
Freshly picked tomatoes 


  1. Farming can be fun BUT What our farmers do is hard work!
    They had my respect way back in secondary school the times I got punished to weed & dig pits.

    I hope local equipment manufacturers & KNUST take up the Agric minister's proposal and help improve the way we farm in Ghana. (

    I know I know! Thats an avocado tree.

  2. @GHOS thanks for stopping by. It would be good if the Agric ministry would open a competition to get creative juices flowing in the country over innovative ways to help improve agriculture. There appears to be a lack of imagination stemming from the country in this sector. Well, as far as I see it!
