Friday, June 04, 2010

To describe May 2010 as 'difficult' would be an understatement. It was memorable in the sense that I was pushed towards my maximum endurance limit in many aspects of my life ie work and family. Losses in the family, a challenging and almost impossible to execute fieldwork regime and strains on friendships meant this May was far from mundane. As I type on my mobile phone hundreds of kilometres from Accra, I'm reflecting on how I've become much older and wiser in such a short time. I'm also announcing my return to the blogosphere. After all, life's tragedies and comedies have created ample fodder.


  1. Sorry you've had such a rough month. A big welcome back to the blogosphere, you've been missed!

  2. Sorry about the hard patch. But you said you were wiser and stronger - that is very good. It is also very good to have you back.

  3. It's a shame about the tough month but you seem to have taken something from it so that's good I guess. It's wonderful to have you back and I can now stop bugging you on twitter!

  4. Your mendacity precedes you, Abena!;-)) What was it u were saying about "still blogging" on twitter?;-) Ma tchire owu!! (if u can't read taht, I'm saying "I've caught u!")

    Good to see you back!

  5. Sorry to hear about the losses and the rough times. A new moon is in full effect now so here's hoping it's a far better one for you.

  6. Welcome back! You was missed :)

  7. I'm touched! A big thanks to all of you!!
    @Maya Mame, @Nana Yaw, @Sankofa @EKB @Ghana Hall of Shame and @Kodjo
    It does mean a lot...

  8. @EKB You have completely lost me up the garden path and far away....Come again?!!!

  9. On twitter last week, I asked why you no longer blog, and you explained that you could never give up blogging. I knew u were not blogging cos I had been monitoring ur blog...

    That's where the "mendacity" is coming worries, though. I really was only pulling ur leg...;-)

  10. soldier on!!! i'd be tapping from your wisdom and strength.


  11. Aww...thanks Novisi...Long time no hear!!
