Monday, July 06, 2009

Vindication for the Coffee Addict!

Delicious Cuban Coffee: Black and Yummy just the way I like it

My big brother texted me some good news that is bound to leave my mother un-amused: researchers at the University of South Florida have found that 5 cups of coffee a day could reverse memory problems associated with Alzheimer's Disease! Anyone who knows me in real-life will know that I have an unhealthy relationship with coffee and most caffeine-enriched products. So you can imagine my delight at the news. For years I have been addicted to coffee and have been lectured on how bad it is for me! Indeed, I have worked in the field of addiction before and I know that dependency on anything can never be a good thing but coffee has always been my Achilles' heel. So today I feel some satisfaction and some vindication. Coffee is actually not all bad! So if you have noticed my lost trains of thought, inexplicable memory losses, erratic behaviour in real life, it is probably not due to the coffee! Okay, I should also point out that the Florida research findings have only been done in mice and human trials are yet to start.

Being the nerd that I am, I decided to take a cursory look through the scientific literature to explore the benefits of my favorite beverage. At the risk of inducing anyone reading this into a boredom-induced coma, I will be brief. Here are some examples of studies I found:
Before my fellow coffee-addicts start doing cart-wheels of joy, I should add that coffee is not good for pregnant women and has been associated with cardiovascular disease. Coffee also may cause you to have shaky hands and stain your teeth. So as my mother just reminded me (of course I called her to gloat!), it is a tricky balance. Anyway, my people, have to run and find a kettle; there is some coffee with my name on it to enjoy!


  1. A tricky comment indeed...I get close to my cup of coffee whenever I am in school or whenever I have some research work running...because I work best at dawn and in the early hours of the keeps me going but I try hard to stay away from it since people have been discouraging me on its use...but reversing memory loss...I think I need buckets of it...Hei Madam could you please give me a carton of....ffee

  2. Interesting Abena.
    Don't leave any in the kettle for me though.
    My heart palpitates whenever I drink coffee. I don't even remember the last time I drank coffee or any of the derivatives.
    Tea is my thing. Besides, the benefits of drinking tea are overwhelming compared to those of coffee.

  3. awww i alredy like this blog..yes i am only been biased bcuz i saw "accra" boifrend is ghanian!
    Oh yes..that is sooo good news 4 me about the kinda an addict

  4. LOL! Posekyere (aka My Cup of Tea), I challenge you to a duel over the benefits of coffee versus tea! Unfortunately, coffee is tied to me maintaining some level of alertness....Tea just makes me sleep :(

  5. Gee! So glad to hear from a fellow coffee appreciator!

  6. You should meet my boss. I have never met anyone who drinks as much coffee as that man does. And I think he takes with no sugar or creamer. EEEEEWWWWWWWW. lol. That man can drink 5 gallons of coffee a day and I'm sure he will be fine. He always comes to work with his thermos in tow. And for the days that he may need more than what he brought from home, I see him make SEVERAL coffee break runs.

  7. Hey Anonymous,
    I love the sound of your boss! Although I don't think I would be able to down that much coffee in one day and still stay sane...
    I never have my coffee with sugar and creamer is not a necessity for me!
