Fairtrade Chocolate: Cadbury makes a sweet move
Kudos to Cadbury! I was excited to hear this morning on the BBC that Cadbury's Dairy Milk brand is set to become "Fairtrade certified". This would mean that hardworking cocoa farmers in my country Ghana will now be paid a guaranteed minimum price for their cocoa even if open market cocoa prices fall below this minimum. Cynicism and suspicion aside, this is good news for Ghana and even more exhilarating for some of us who hail from cocoa farmer stock from the deepest hinterlands of Ghana. Time for me to ditch the day job and get back to working the land! On another note, it would be great to see more Fairtrade certification for other products from developing countries.
That is really cool have notice at the local Trade joes store here lot of fair trade chocolates..
Hey Patrick, That is cool! Look out for Cadbury's Dairy Milk..Trader Joes? Think I have been in one of those in 10 years!
Some of my relatives have cocoa farms in the hinterland. If fairtrade can bring a bit of relief to them and also to the many cocoa farmers in Ghana then I guess there is every reason to be joyful.
Yes indeed Posekyere! Amen to that!
That is great news and about time too
Hello, I'm in NZ (home to Whitakers chocolate) helping to research a book on sustainability and live in Dunedin (home to a big Cadbury's factory). I read that Cadbury's is, with investment, trying to encourage young Ghanians to carry on in the cocoa growing business. Is this true? How is Cadbury's percieved in Ghana? Whitakers tells us that Ghanian cocoa production is free from exploitation.Is that true? NZers have been congratulating ourselves for making Cabury's (Australasia) go Fair Trade now (Aug 09) Richard West lionhart84@hotmail.com
Hey Richard/Anonymous; Thanks for stopping by! A friend of mine who works for an American corporation has been in Ghana exploring our cocoa industry. He just got back from a cocoa farm two days ago. I will find out what he has learnt and put you in touch with him!
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