I am still annoyed. The curious case of the pesky midnight caller has turned out to be anything but "curious". For the past few days, Mr. Stalker has called me every single night and during the day too. Luckily his calls do not come through but they still register. On Friday, I passed on his number to some friends to try and find out who he was. Unfortunately for them (and me), he cut their daytime calls and has proceeded to stalk them every night around 1am this past weekend!! When he called them, in performances worthy of Academy Award nominations, he used fake deep voices and demanded to know who they were. That should have set off warning bells since the stalker has never asked me for my name. At last, today there has been a break-through on the case. Mr. Stalker texted me and gave me:- My full name
- My neighbourhood
- My place of work
- The project I've been involved in for the past 2 years
I should be freaked out but yet I just remain annoyed. The weird part is that Mr. Stalker gave me his name (Francis) and it completely does not ring a bell. Oh, my stalker also told me he calls at midnight because it is cheaper. At least I know I'm dealing with a dead-beat cheap-skate. Mmmmm, I know a couple of guys that fit that bill.
Damm.. that is some crazy mess.Please make sure you report it to that police or somebody.I was stalked by an ex-girlfriend some years ago and it was pure hell,had to get the local police involved before she stopped..Well i do not know about the popo in Ghana but try..peace and be safe.
ok, that's definitely freaky!
pls press the ignore button!
Curious (as in funny) but you really ought to be careful!
Thanks Patrick, I texted back and forth with this person last night. I'm pretty sure I know who it is but still have my doubts because the person I think it is was not completely off his rocker!
Totally wish I could Bumight but still dying to know exactly who this freak is! `
Thanks Nana Yaw....I did not know so many borderline psychotic people reside among us in the big GH...
Now you have almost got him.
Get one or two strong family members and pretend you wanna meet him at a place of your choosing and see him come for a damn good beating.
But you need to see his face first before you give the good-ahead otherwise you may end up beating a pitiful patient of the institution in Asylum Down.
Be sure, Abena, be very sure!
I hope figure out who this cheap stalker is soon. Must be very nerveracking for you. All the best!
*LOL* tempting suggestion Posekyere! The way the guy is acting I wonder if he did not just get out of an institution.
Thanks Anonymous...time for me to head to the cops!
hey Abena,
i'm not sure how really you taking this case, i'm not sure i'm reading the emotion right, but i sense you are relaxed within yourself which should be good to allow for the function of the brain!
but i pray it's just a prank! else you need some underlining of it all. don't hesitate to call the police (our GH police for you!) in once you feel so! listen to your instincts too!
Please continue reading Singamaraja! Thanks for stopping by..
Thanks Novisi! At first it was annoying but later it became weird and scary with all the details. It seems to have stopped for now (thank goodness).
Are you sure it's not someone you dated and broke their heart that's playing games. but anyway you should go to the police. it might be a game now but would turn into something bad later.
Sadly B.O.N.T.I, it is most probably someone who broke my heart whose playing games. Since it has all stopped, I have not made it to the boys in blue...mmm maybe I should. However, going to the police in Ghana can be even more frustrating than the crime itself...sometime!
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