Friday, October 24, 2008

Trashy bags - Environmental Innovation right in Accra

Sometime at the beginning of this year, a sign went up at the end of our street directing people to "Trashy bags" which is a couple of houses away from me. I had no idea what they did. I only found out last week and I'm just amazed. They take old ice-cream, yoghurt and water plastic satchets which are causing a serious eyesore all over Ghana, they disinfect and clean 'em. Guess what...they use 'em to make bags! Yes! The good people at Trashy bags make totes, messenger bags, backpacks and even briefcases. This is so cool that I wish I had thought about it. All in the name of reduce, reuse and recycle. It is kind of sad that Ghana is only taking recycling seriously now. Recycling was big in Swaziland when I was growing up way back in the late '80s when we were still listening to New Edition and Brenda Fassie. Well, I still listen to New Edition and Brenda Fassie so I guess things never really change! But I digress, we are talking about Trashy Bags here... You can check 'em out at


  1. Hi fellow blogger,

    I agree with you these Trashy Bags aren't trashy at all! Great to find a new Accra blogger. Welcome to check out my blog too!

  2. Hi! I'm glad to see someone feels the same way I do about Trashy Bags. I will be sure to check out your blog.

  3. Hey, it does sound good. If they're well made and will last long, then we even have more reason than simply going 'green' to buy them.

  4. Totally agree with your sentiments!

  5. Hi there,

    These bags look pretty decent...not the same as a Birkin in the U.S. but I love the cause that it supports!!


  6. Sorry to come to this post so late in the day.

    I know the guys at Trashy Bags and I sell them over here in the UK at music festivals. I am sad to say that more people admire them than buy them.

    I am trying to sell more of the plain water pouch bags to highlight the problems faced in your country, not just the litter and eyesore, but the fact tat these pouches are the only source of drinking water for millions.
    Peace and Love
    Chris Jagger

  7. Thanks Chris, good to hear that Trashy Bags are getting around..They are also actually pretty sturdy....
