Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Embellishments of blog profiles anyone?

I admit that in my desire to sound as intellectual and deep as possible I put down some of the most obscure references that I could think of! Alas I see that others supposedly share these interests. C'mon who are we kidding here but ourselves!
On this topic, I think I am going to take a picture tonight and upload it!! Perhaps pictures get more air play, actually a friend who checks out internet personals {the same friend who has had 1)dodgy rash that won't go away, 2) an embarassing loo incident, 3) almost got arrested for indecent exposure in another country, catch my drift wink wink nudge nudge say no more say no more...mmmm...can you spot the deceptions?} was telling me that they only check out profiles with pictures! That could indeed be a way to get more people to view the rantings of a mad lady!

Speaking of madness, was in the US (hate it when people outside of the US refer to it as "the states" how may Americans call it the "states"? I dare you to start an internet poll!!!), and was suddenly struck the amount of garbage on tv by way of reality TV.
I mean i thought i was dreaming when I actually saw a show in which a house full of males competed to be picked as STRIPPER or should I say "entertainment performers"
There was also the engimatic "Being Bobby Brown", was that a dream or were people actually following around Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston with cameras?? They tragically look very different from when I last saw them at my school for all of 3 minutes in 1995 , I kidd you not!
A small school in an *undisclosed location* Africa inundated with the famous! I kidd you not! all in good time, my fellow procrastinators, all in good time!


  1. Thank you for visiting and leaving a comment "papacool". So right you are! Dont get me started on the weird shopping channels and the fact that you can never really understand a TV show since there are commercials every five minutes sellings cars and burgers

  2. Hey there... saw your blogs... quite a writer you are... I'm a master procrastinator myself... In fact i started my own blog just to discipline myself as a writer (I write for a living!)... Check my blogs at And yes, keep up the good work!

  3. I love American TV, the concept is awesome. You have a bunch of 50 year old white men sitting in a room who come up with the dumbest concepts ever. Brilliant. I wish I could have all of my dumbest concepts go to the golden screen.

    I call it the states. I never called the United States that until I started spending my summers with Israelis.

  4. Yes, the word procrastinator caught my eye. Yours is the first non-friend blog I'm posting a comment.

    My father used to work for the Foreign Service, and I still call the U.S. "The States", or "stateside," or "the U.S.," and I do this for a couple of reasons -- going home meant my father's working at the State Department, and I find those terms personally less offensive than calling the U.S. "America."

  5. Ok your right the deep stuff does not fly. I have had a blog now for 9 years... a personal blog..people read the funny stuff... i like to make em laugh so thats why I have this blog up... check it out.

  6. Thank you all for comments. I am highly impressed that I was able to lure you to my humble....very humble abode. At the moment there is reason to procrastinate, cannot concentrate. The area of London I am in (Central London near Warren Street) is still abuzz with helicopters following another suspected bomb detonation. Anyway that is really a matter for another post.
